
Creating Adaptive Organizations with Agile Business Planning

Creating Adaptive Organizations with Agile Business Planning

The ability to respond to changes in the organizational environment is more critical than ever. Businesses in every industry are being disrupted and are increasingly turning to techniques like OKR, Agile, and lean-agile leadership to navigate uncertainty. Despite the increased demand for these techniques, many leaders aren't sure how to start on their journey to creating agile cultures while continuing to deliver value to the organization.

In this webinar, business agility expert Steven Voyles discusses how Agile Business Planning can help you create a more adaptive organization. He talks about how tools like Adaptive Quarterly Steering, OKR, and Enterprise Planning Rooms can enable your organization to change course quickly while keeping everyone aligned.

Creating Alignment with OKRs

Creating Alignment with OKRs

The need for a systematic way to keep your company aligned and focused on strategy has never been greater. Learn how to create alignment in your organization with the technique used by organizations like Google, Netflix, and even non-profits like Code for America and The Gates Foundation. In this webinar, OKR expert Steven Voyles talks about how you can leverage the magic of OKR in your organization.

The Case for Lean Portfolio Management Part 1 - Traditional Project Selection is Slow and Expensive

This article will be the first in a series on Lean Portfolio Management. Today we’ll start by talking about the problems inherit in the traditional project selection process and how Lean Portfolio Management can help.

Traditionally, approval of large projects is done once a year and aligned to the corporate budget cycle. This process can cause several problems for an organization whose goal is to be responsive in the marketplace.